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Premier Blasting Limited: Standard Terms and Conditions for Blasting Services

1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 The Company: Premier Blasting Limited, hereinafter referred to as 'the Company', with its registered office at Old Manor House, East Bridgford, Nottingham NG13 8LE.

1.2 The Customer: Any individual, firm, or entity that enters into a contract, whether written or verbal, with the Company for the provision of services.

1.3 Work: The services provided by the Company, including but not limited to repairs, inspections, diagnoses, and any service carried out by the Company's chosen subcontractors.

1.4 Day Rate: The fee for a standard working day, inclusive of travel and all materials.

2. Agreement

2.1 These Terms and Conditions constitute the agreement ('the Agreement') between the Company and the Customer, delineating the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to the services provided.

3. Customer Obligations

3.1 The Customer agrees to provide complete and accurate information about the work and the working environment, including securing all necessary permissions for the work to be undertaken.

3.2 The Customer acknowledges that their property is held at their own risk and should be adequately insured.

3.3 The Customer shall ensure that all interested parties in the property are in agreement with the work to be undertaken, including any applications and approvals required for work on listed buildings.

4. Provision of Services

4.1 The Company will accept items for work as specified by the Customer or as recommended by the Company.

4.2 Estimates provided by the Company are provisional, based on the information supplied by the Customer or external examination.

4.3 If additional work is found to be necessary, the Company will contact the Customer to advise of the revised work scope and estimated costs. If the Customer is unreachable, the Company is authorised to proceed with the best course of action, at the Customer's expense.

5. Payment Terms

Deposit and Payment Schedule: To secure the commencement of work, the Customer is required to adhere to the agreed deposit and payment terms. Work at the agreed rate will commence only upon receipt of the deposit and subsequent payments as per the following schedule:

5.1 For 1 to 2 Day Projects:

  • 10% Refundable Deposit: A 10% refundable deposit is required to secure the client’s project dates. This deposit is refundable up to 72 hours before the commencement of the project.
  • 40% Before Work Commencement: Forty per cent of the total project cost is due before work begins. If the client chooses to pay on the day of arrival, they must allow sufficient time for the payment to clear. The Company cannot be held liable for any delays in the start of the project due to payment processing times.
  • 50% on Completion: The remaining fifty per cent of the fee is due on the day of project completion.

5.2 For Projects Exceeding 3 Days:

  • 10% Refundable Deposit: A 10% refundable deposit is required to secure the client’s project dates for projects extending beyond 3 days. This deposit is refundable up to 72 hours before the project start date.
  • 40% Before Work Commencement: Forty per cent of the total fee is to be paid before the commencement of work. If payment is made on the day of arrival, the client must provide enough time for the transaction to be processed. The Company is not responsible for any delay in the commencement of work due to payment clearance.
  • Final 50% in Instalments: The final fifty per cent of the payment is to be paid in equal instalments as outlined within the invoice and agreed upon by both the Company and the Customer.

Non-Adherence to Payment Terms: Premier Blasting Ltd reserves the right to refuse commencement or to cease ongoing work if the Customer does not meet the payment terms at any stage of the project.

5.3 General Payment Terms:

  • Delayed Start: The Company is not liable for any delayed start to the project due to the client’s late payment.
  • Additional Charges: Should the client fail to provide the necessary conditions or access as required, a charge of £50 per operative per hour will be applied for any delays caused.
  • Non-Payment: The Company reserves the right to cease work and seek full payment for services rendered and materials supplied if the Customer fails to meet the payment obligations as agreed.

6. Completion and Delays

6.1 The Company will aim to complete work in a timely manner but will not be liable for delays beyond its control.

6.2 The Company will rectify any defects due to its workmanship free of charge, provided that no alterations have been made by parties other than the Company and the Customer reports the defect within 7 working days.

7. Service-Specific Terms and Liability

7.1 Paint Removal: The Company's process for removing interior or exterior paint does not guarantee complete removal. Additional chemical treatment by a specialist at the Customer's cost may be required. The Company will reveal the underlying wall condition but is not responsible for the reasons paint was initially applied.

7.2 Pressure Blasting: The Company's blasting process may remove cement or cause brick and stonework to crumble. If this occurs, the Company will cease work and require the Customer to sign a continuation form to proceed.

7.3 Furniture: The Customer is solely responsible for the removal of all furniture and other items from the work area prior to the commencement of work. The Company shall bear no liability for any damage to property left in the work area. If the work area is not cleared as required, the Customer may incur additional charges if the obstruction leads to an extension of the project duration, including but not limited to additional hours or days needed to complete the work.7.4 Start Time: The Company aims to be on-site between 8:30 am to 9:30 am. The Customer may refuse the team without charge if arrival is after 11 am. The full-day rate remains if allowed to commence work.

7.5 The Company is not liable for loss or damage to the Customer's property unless due to the Company's negligence.

7.6 The Company retains ownership of materials and parts supplied until all payments have been made.

8. Preparatory Work and Completion

8.1 The Company will tape and seal rooms to the best of their ability to mitigate dust travel. However, the Company is not liable for dust travel within reason.

8.2 A test patch will be completed for Customer approval. A signed work commencement form is required to proceed, with the understanding that similar standards are expected throughout the project.

8.3 If the test patch is unacceptable, 50% of the day rate is charged. For work stopped post-commencement, charges will apply depending on the time of cessation.

9. Post-Work Clean-Up

9.1 The Company will clean up and remove waste from the site. Dust settlement post-clean-up is accepted by the Customer. The Company is not responsible for dust and residue settling in outdoor areas.

10. Additional Provisions

10.1 Tape Damage: The Company is not liable for damage such as paint removal when tape is taken off.

10.2 Property Damage: The Company accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to the Customer's items unless due to the Company's negligence.

11. Quality of Underlying Materials

Pre-existing Conditions: The Customer acknowledges that Premier Blasting Ltd is not responsible for the integrity or quality of structural materials such as beams, potentially hidden by paint, varnish, or other coverings. The discovery of poor-quality materials during the blasting process is beyond the control and responsibility of Premier Blasting Ltd, and any such findings will not be deemed a reflection of the Company’s service quality or workmanship.

12. General Provisions

The Customer agrees to all terms set forth above and understands that these Terms and Conditions are part of the legal agreement between Premier Blasting Ltd and the Customer. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees to comply with all payment schedules and acknowledges the limitations of Premier Blasting Ltd's responsibilities regarding pre-existing conditions of the project site.

12.1 The Customer acknowledges and agrees to comply with all listed building regulations and to obtain the necessary consents for the work to be performed. The Customer understands that failure to secure such consents may result in legal action against them by the relevant authorities and agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any work carried out without the necessary approvals.

Contact Us

For any inquiries, please contact us at:

Premier Blasting Limited
Old Manor House
East Bridgford
NG13 8LE
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

13. Acceptance

By signing below, the Customer acknowledges and agrees to the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Customer's Name: __________________________

Signature: _________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

For Premier Blasting Limited:

Authorised Signatory: _______________________

Signature: _________________________________

Date: _____________________________________